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Thank you!

We are beavering away to add this business to the site.

If you are the business owner please help us get you uploaded quicker by emailing a pic for the listing, if you haven't already. Product or people pics tend to work better than logos. Click here, and mention business name in subject line please.

The site is primarily for businesses with a retail or hospitality offering so we may not be able to list some businesses even if they are local to the area. 


Premium listing details


  • Top six position on your neighbourhood page (these tend to get many more clicks).

  • Multiple neighbourhood listings (up to three neighbourhoods). 

  • Cancel at any time, we just ask for 5 business days notice in any month. 

  • We’re offering this on a first come, first served basis. Maximum of six slots available on any page. 

  • Our audience is almost 100% London-based and made up largely of people interested in buying from businesses in their neighbourhood.

  • Half price for the first 2 months (just £10 a month).

Please help by letting your friends and colleagues know about us and please follow us on the links below. 

Email updates and free entry to £100 draw HERE

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